Client Profiles

How We Help Clients Like You

The following client profiles are hypothetical examples, not based on any single individual or CCM client. They represent a composite drawn from our experience over more than 20 years working with multiple clients in similar situations.

Financial Planning for Retirees

We help individuals and couples think through the many facets of retirement and assist with important life planning decisions.

Financial planning for widowed or divorced
Widow / Divorce

We help widows, widowers and divorcees make important financial and life decisions, often during difficult times.

financial planning for executives and entrepreneurs

We help executives and entrepreneurs plan for their financial futures and secure the well-being of their families.

Impact Investor
Impact Investor

We help clients align their investments with their values and deploy assets in ways that provide for measurable social and environmental impact.

Financial Planning for inherited wealth

We help heirs invest and protect their inheritances while also relieving them of the burden of day-to-day management.

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